The Great 2008 Survey

Monday, 14 April 2008 04:18 | Written by 
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Take the survey!  C'mon, please - it'll just take a few minutes! Survey

Why a survey?

As you may have noticed, we've been putting quite a bit of effort into improving recently:

  • We've developed a better way of doing live text commentary - using a "shout box" which means that you don't have to keep refreshing the page.
  • We've been testing live GPS tracking - and we'll be using this to track 40 skis at Molokai next month.
  • We're working on live video streaming - imagine full on video coverage of races...!
  • We just invested in our own server at our ISP so that (hopefully) we won't crash the system again like we did during the coverage of the Dubai Shamaal last year!

But what we really want to know is...

What do you guys, our readers, think of the site and what we're doing?  Many of the things that we've done on the site started with, "wouldn't it be cool if we could..." type conversations.  We know you've got great ideas - and we want to hear them.

At the very least, if you tell us what you like and dislike about the site, we'll be able to focus and prioritize the right stuff...

So - go ahead, take a minute or two to take the survey!

Click here to take the survey

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